Report a problem

DSA report form


As a hosting service provider, we are obliged under Section 18 DSA to record information that gives rise to the suspicion that a criminal offense that poses a threat to the life or safety of a person or persons has been committed, is being committed or could be committed, and to report it immediately to the law enforcement or judicial authorities of the Member State or Member States concerned and to make all available information.

If you suspect that such content is being made available via the VMMX Cloud GmbH network, please use the form below to report the incident. We will then take all necessary steps.

This form is only suitable for notifications in accordance with the DSA. For general inquiries, please use the contact form.


Please let us know the reason for the report (e.g. why you consider it to be unlawful).

Please let us know the location (e.g. a URL) of the illegal content.

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